
Transforming Boards through technology. Simple. Accessible. Innovative

Boards of Directors are an incredibly valuable asset. Exeboard provides tools that increase Board commitment, engagement and communication, thus multiplying their positive strategic impact. 


Forget multiple emails and the dreaded multiple reply-all.

Our secure platform provides a simple and better way to receive all communication and documents, including a private messaging system and discussion threads.

Communicate Exeboard The ODCG
Encontrar Exeboard The ODCG


Our in meeting module synchronizes screens during the meeting.

Real time voting and decisión making, time tracking and public and private note-taking. To top it off, our automatic minute generator will take all actions and notes that are performed during the meeting to create a legal form minute automatically.


Preparing a meeting has never been easier.

With our interactive agenda creator, you can easily plan your next meetig, adding all relevat documents and links with individual security clearances, create votes, invite guests, set times and more.

Plan Exeboard The ODCG
Preparar Exeboard The ODCG


Preparing for a meeting is now at your fingertips.

With our intutive platform and mobile app, you can view, read, review, comment and take notes on all meeting material, which saves time and improves discussions and decisión making.

Decision Making

Decision making is tough, documenting and formalizing decisions shouldn´t be.

With Exeboard not only are your stakeholders prepared, but they can also now easily vote, create and approve resolutions and send matters for appoval, serving as a centralized and secure decisión making hub.

Decision Exeboard The ODCG
Responsabilidad Exeboard The ODCG


Exeboard allows you to create and assign tasks and follow-up on those tasks to ensure that all that is supposed to be done is done. Our platform also provides reporting on all open ítems and historical decisions, simplifying compliance and accountability.

We are committed to keeping our promise

Exeboard aims to deliver the results you seek, be it security, transparency, control, better discussions, improving trust and personal relationships, order or peace of mind, etc. in a secure and user-friendly way.
We provide a hassle free experience - no longterm contracts, hidden fess or prices.
And we are committed to working with you via our superb customer service to make sure that technology improves every aspect of how you manage your Board.
Exeboard proporciona las herramientas que permiten una junta directiva dinámica


We recognized that to truly create value and improve board performance we must go beyond simply organizing a board’s processes.
Exeboard provides the tools that allow for a dynamic and engaged board that in turn delivers a sustainable competitive advantage and better company results.

¡Plataforma disponible en español!

En The OD Consulting Group podemos ser sus aliados y facilitadores estratégicos

¿Los líderes de su organización cuentan con las habilidades y competencias para enfrentar la situación actual? Ante la crisis, ¿ha revisado su estrategia?


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